Sunday, March 9, 2014

Down Under - 2/27/14 Lord of the Rings / Shotover Jet Boat

This morning we are picked up by a new driver from “The Black” limousine company.  We describe them as the Men in Black as the limo is all black, tinted windows and the driver is dressed totally in black.  It appears that this recently started company is shaking up the established order in Qtown and raising the standards.

Our driver takes us out into the surrounding areas and points out where various scenes from The Lord of the Rings trilogy were filmed, also where some famous NZ actors also live. 

Orcs attacked Frodo from here
The mountains are simply wonderful, mostly owned by the government and pristine.

We drive by the site where the original bungy jump was done by JC Hacket…it’s still there and we watch a few people plummet off the bridge…this is one activity we are really not interested in doing…I keep thinking of that woman who jumped off the bridge in Zimbabwe, the bungy broke and she fell into the Zambesi river with her feet lashed together…luckily she was able to swim to the bank.

After lunch we head for the Shotover Jet Boat registration.  The jet boat is another New Zealand invention by a guy named Hamilton back in the 60’s.  Their designs progressed steadily and are now known and sold throughout the world.

We take a bus out to river site and shortly 13 of us are loaded into a jet boat and off we go.  The driver spins the wheel back and forth throwing the boat into a skid and we fly a foot or so from the sides of the rock canyon…repeatedly!  Periodically he twirls his hand indicating an upcoming 360 and we fly around in a circle, skipping across the water, spraying us…all of us wondering what it takes to turn this puppy over!

This is another place where they didn’t allow anyone to bring a camera but once again they have packages of live videos and pictures for purchase…they were very worth it.  Death definitely cheated!

The video of our jet boat ride is definitely worth watching!

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