Thursday, February 20, 2014

Down Under 2/17/14 Flying to Sydney, first day

This process takes a lot of time so I will need to make a dedicated effort...I will do my best.

The start of a long planned...and long trip to visit Australia and New Zealand.  The Honey Badgers (hereinafter the HBs) are off to Los Angeles via an Airbus 380.

Becky Brown & John McHugh

Mark & Jenny Sadow

Jack & Anne
The flight to Sydney was long enough for me to watch 3 movies and get a full night of drug induced sleep!

The driver thought we were typical tourists with tons of bags....NOT1

The Queen Mary in port

Manly Beach

 The $40 ticket to the aquarium made me appreciate what we have in St. everything.

Sydney Opera House

We did our best to stay awake for the whole day.  We met up with my friend Tony Mikus who showed us around the town, on the ferry, at the quay, the aquarium, lunch, dinner and off to sleep...jet lag mostly conquered.


  1. Oh, yippee! How delightful to hear from you! We miss you already!

  2. Great photos. How was flying all that distance? I want a photo of Jack with a kangaroo. Have fun!
